Understanding wellbeing

Gaining an understanding of why we are thinking, feeling and behaving a certain way, can be really helpful. The links below provide information and advice on some of today’s most common challenges.

While these tools don't claim to have all the answers, they are designed to reassure you that you're not alone and that many other people have also experienced similar thoughts and feelings. They’ll also provide you with some techniques and approaches to help you navigate through some of the bumpier times in life.

These resources were developed by a Fresh Minds psychologist, adapted from Te Hikuwai developed by Te Pou o Te Whakaaro Nui resources.




Chronic pain

Ready to talk?

Working with Fresh Minds is about helping you make sense of your journey through life; and your thoughts, feelings and behaviors that sit alongside the ups and the downs. We’re here to help you make sense of what’s going on for you. Our sessions are designed around you and your needs. You can choose to see one of us face to face, over the phone or online. Regardless of your choice you can be assured all our sessions are confidential.

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