
Why would I want to change?

Everyone has different reasons for wanting to reduce their smoking use, or to stop all together. These reasons can include the health benefits, the costs of smoking, being pregnant, or wanting to start a family.

Having some clear ideas about why you want to stop smoking and what you hope to achieve can make it easier to stay motivated when things feel difficult. Write these down and carry them with you. Keeping track of any changes, including how much money you are saving, can help keep you motivated.

The journey to quitting

It can be helpful to notice and be aware of things that make you want to smoke, these are called triggers. Once you have become aware of them, it can be useful to think about the situations where these triggers are likely to occur, and make a plan of how you are going to manage them.

Identifying smoking triggers

  1. Certain situations, for example when you’re feeling stressed, angry, sad or overwhelmed
  2. People, places or social situations
  3. Work break
  4. When drinking alcohol
  5. Smelling cigarette smoke
  6. Having negative thoughts about yourself
  7. Using cigarettes as a reward

Can I get through this?

Of course. Identifying that you want to stop smoking is the first step. If you want to quit or cut down, we’ve got a few tips to help you get started and to overcome cravings as you begin your journey to be smoke free.

Quitting tips

  1. Tell others that you are planning to stop smoking and get them on board
  2. Try not to put yourself in situations where you would usually smoke
  3. Have a behavioural replacement – something accessible you can do instead of smoking
  4. Practice saying “No I don’t smoke” and imagine yourself as a non-smoker. What would you be doing differently?
  5. Get moving with physical activity, as well as eating a healthy balanced diet
  6. Take up a new hobby
  7. Use positive self-talk – “I am doing this”. Find a phrase that works for you
  8. Take one step at a time. If you have a setback, try not to dwell on it or let it stop movement towards your goal. Notice your triggers, learn from the setbacks and continue moving forward
  9. Nicotine replacement can make it more likely that quitting smoking will be successful. Enlisting support from specialist services such as Ready Steady Quit can be helpful.

How can Fresh Minds help?

Fresh Minds has a free, quit smoking programme called Ready Steady Quit. If you live in the Auckland area contact them today, visit

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