Who we are

At Fresh Minds we help people better understand and manage their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. What’s going on in our mind often affects how we feel about ourselves, our bodies, our friends, families, and the world around us. People of all ages come to Fresh Minds seeking support to navigate life's challenges, manage their moods, or enhance their connections and daily enjoyment.

What we care about

We’re passionate about the health and wellbeing of people, and we understand that everyone may need a bit of extra support at times. As a leading provider of mental health and wellbeing services, our commitment to helping people live well is at the heart of everything we do. With clinicians specialising across all ages, life stages and cultures, we tailor our support to meet everyone’s individual needs.

What we do

Our qualified mental health practitioners are firm believers in empowering individuals with the knowledge to navigate life's highs, lows, and everything in between. Our therapists follow evidence-based practices, which means you can be assured they're using thoroughly researched approaches and techniques to help you achieve your goals. We offer assistance across a broad spectrum, addressing stress, anxiety, depression, drug and alcohol concerns, separation or divorce, family therapy, loss and grief, post-partum depression, sexual abuse, and more. Essentially, we have the right person for you.

How we do it

Whether you prefer on-site consultations at one of our three locations across Auckland or the convenience of phone or online sessions, Fresh Minds is here to provide the support you need. Regardless of how you choose to connect, rest assured that our focus is on helping you for the journey you’re on.

Vision: Kia puāwai te hauora — Thriving mind, body, spirit, and community for all people in Aotearoa.

Purpose: Whakamana ngā tāngata — Together, we serve and empower individuals, whānau & communities to lead equitable, healthy, and well lives they aspire for.

Part of the ProCare whānau

Fresh Minds is powered by the ProCare Group. ProCare is a leading health and wellbeing provider in New Zealand. They provide trusted, quality and community-based services to a wide range of healthcare professionals and help support hundreds of thousands of people across New Zealand.

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