
Sleep difficulties

Many of us struggle with sleep at some point in our lives. For some of us, we find it difficult getting to sleep, others staying asleep and some people struggle with both. Often stress, anxiety and depression can disrupt our sleep patterns. Other times, lifestyle factors and physical health issues can also play a role. For example, women may experience changes in their sleep patterns during peri-menopause.

Doctors often prescribe medication to treat insomnia. However, these medications may only work well for a short time, and their effectiveness can decrease over time. Luckily, there are other strategies, often called good sleep habits or sleep hygiene, that can also help improve sleep quality.

How can I improve my sleep?

  • Create a bedroom space that is quiet, comfortable and safe. Keep the room cool with blankets to keep warm. Pull the curtains or wear an eye mask to block out light.
  • Exercising regularly, particularly in the morning light, can help. Strenuous exercise just before bed can inhibit sleep so try and ensure a couple of hours gap between this type of exercise and bedtime.
  • Aim to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. You can develop your own sleep rituals that help your body to head off to sleep, like having a hot bath, doing some relaxation or breathing exercises or reading a book
  • Turn your clock away so that you can’t see it at night. Checking the time constantly can cause distress making it more difficult to sleep
  • Try and avoid caffeine, nicotine and/or alcohol for 4-6 hours before bed, and avoid screens in bed as these can disturb the quality of sleep.

Can I get through this?

Of course. Remember that changing sleep patterns and habits can take time.

Sometimes, you might find yourself stuck in a pattern that feels impossible to break. When you struggle to fall asleep at night or wake up frequently, it's easy to start worrying about sleep itself, which can make it even harder to drift off. If you're experiencing this, reaching out for support is a good idea.

How can Fresh Minds help?

Our expert therapists can work with you on a plan to get back to great sleep, by:

  1. Understanding what’s currently happening for you
  2. Helping identify some of the potential causes for your current sleep disruption
  3. Providing you with some tools and strategies to help create better sleep habits
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