
What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling triggered by perceived danger. It’s our bodies own built in alarm system, alerting us to potential threats. This causes a rush of adrenaline to our system, activating our fight or flight response. This helps us keep safe when there is a physical threat, particularly to be able to fight, or to run away.

If you’re running from a tsunami or fighting an intruder, our bodies need this adrenaline to keep us safe. But when we have an important meeting, or a new social gathering, or are stuck in traffic, this feeling is not so helpful. Adrenaline triggered by internal thoughts, worries or memories is exhausting to deal with every day. Often, we are over-estimating the threat, and under-estimating our own ability to cope with the challenges.

It’s normal to feel anxious and worried sometimes, but this shouldn’t come at the cost of living your own life. If this feeling is becoming too much, you may be experiencing some symptoms of anxiety.

What does anxiety look like?

Someone with anxiety might experience:

  • Feeling so anxious that it’s difficult to think clearly or make decisions
  • Experiencing constant or severe physical symptoms, including chest pains, breathlessness, heart racing, nausea, tingling skin and sweating
  • Avoiding people or places, often not going out or leaving early
  • Feeling unable to participate in the things that are important to them
  • Coping with social situations by bringing someone else, drinking, smoking, avoiding eye contact, or being on your phone the whole time.

Can I get through this?

Of course. Feeling a bit anxious can be helpful, but only when it’s in small amounts. Being a little nervous about an exam or job interview can help us study and prepare, and therefore be more likely to do well. However, if the thoughts and feelings become overwhelming, they can stop us from doing the things we want to do. This is when anxiety starts to rob us of our quality of life. If this is happening to you, it can be helpful to talk to someone.

How Fresh Minds can help

Our expert therapists can work with you on a plan to overcome the impact of your anxiety, by:

  1. Identifying what your triggers are so that you can learn how to manage them
  2. Finding alternative coping mechanisms for the short term
  3. Helping you reframe and reset your mindset for the long term.
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